Here, I have chosen two of the photographs I took that I thought suited the style of magazine I am hoping to achieve. After completing more research, I have edited all three images into a black and white tone for two reasons. Firstly, to be consistent with the original front cover with Beyonce as the cover star and secondly to convey the professional ethos of the magazine as the colour black and white has a very from connotation towards it, which is why I asked my 'cover star' to where a slightly my formal yet very chic style piece of clothing as the mise-en-scene of the imagery reflects the ethos of the billboard magazine since the ethos is very cool, laid back yet professional which I feel my 'cover star' conveys clearly.
I decided for my cover star to wear this type of clothing since my previous research (http://scarlettasmedia.blogspot.co.uk
/2015/12/research-into-similar-products.html) I learnt that the clothing an artist can wear can reflect the ethos of a magazine and so decided to use information for my re-model and hopefully my own magazine.
To add to this, I have decided that I will re arrange the size and placement of my 'cover star' by placing her more centre on of the image so that the centre focus of the front cover is on her, meaning the audiences direct focus is brought to her which will allow fans of the cover star to recognise her and so become curious to what the magazine says about the star.
After careful consideration, I have decided that I will use the second image for my magazine front cover as I feel the angles are quite clear and creates a very ambiguous yet cool tone which will reflect the magazine hopefully. From this I have learnt that not only is the photography an important factor to the final of the magazine but also the way you deliver that image to the audience, e.g how the artist is displayed through that photography which I feel I have emphasised by my exploration of editing.
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