Here is my final version of my remodelling task with the original billboard magazine next to it. From this I can see some flaws and some effective techniques used for my own magazine such as the use of a skyline I believe to be quite effective as it stands out against the other pieces of text, and since the
skyline offers a free poster to the reader they will be more inclined to purchase the magazine as they feel they are receiving for their money.
However, I have also notices that the colours of text I used in certain areas was quite unclear and maybe not the most beneficial for my magazine such as when I included the cover line 'top 50 pop songs' the words 'and much much more!' can only be partially seen, which means that if I were to do this exercise again I would consider other fonts or colours that would not blend in with the photograph but still represents the ethos of the magazine.
Additionally, I have included an an analysed version of my front cover where I discuss whether or not the features, conventions, colour scheme, layout and photography have been successful in reiterating the ethos of the magazine such as the use of my layout being quite effective as I arranged the text to go around the cover stars face, meaning the audience will immediately be drawn to her and so therefore will be intrigued into why the front cover is of her. More so, I have highlighted (within red circle) that the use of the other cover lines are quite effective as they make the target demographic feel as if they are receiving new and 'exclusive' information they will not find anywhere else, meaning they are gaining content that they may find worth the price and so will buy the magazine.
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