Thursday, 24 December 2015

Organisation - Effects

Here I have looked into different photo effects that I can use for my photography of my cover star and band. After looking on ( I found 6 fonts which I was particularly interested in which were;

  1. Chromatic 1 (Top Left)
  2.  Grunge 1 (Top Right)
  3.  Instant 2 (Centre left)
  4.  Vintage colours 1 (Centre Right)
  5. Black and white 4 (Bottom Left)
  6. Sepia 5 (Bottom Right)
These are only a few of the ones I selected. I used a temporary image the website provided to test these effects and from these my favourites are 2 & 5 and will hopefully get to use these within my first draft of my magazine. 

The two effects both have a very relaxed yet unusual look to them which represents the ethos of the magazine quite well. The other effects are quite appealing but do not properly reflect the reckless and laid back aesthetic I am aiming for. For image 6 I feel as if Sepia has a little too much of a Nostalgic feel towards it and I am wanting my magazine to still feel modern, fresh and something unique that's never been seen before. Image 3 and 1 both feel that they have been over used with effects for a professional and genuine magazine and is more of a image filter rather than a photography effect for a music magazine. Finally, Image 4 after putting the effect on it I find slightly too bland to use as an effect and don't believe the audience will recognize a difference and so therefore would be pointless to use this effect on any of my images. 

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