I have know chosen my model for my cover star and will be Josh Vile. I immediately felt that this model would represent the ethos of my magazine quite well as they too reflect an edgy and wild attitude that I hope my magazine will be seen as by my target demographic.
During the photo shoot I will experiment with a variety of angles and distances such as a close up, a wide shot and a mid - shot. The angles I use I want to be quite abstract and not particularly in direct from the model to create some variety within my magazine.

The clothing pieces I have decided that will not only associate with the indie - pop genre but too will suit my model will be pieces such as a denim jacket, skinny black jeans and some plain shoes. This costume was decided on as the clothing pieces are very plain and quite cool to show how the indie genre is a very laid back and casual as they mainly focus on their music and not their image which appeals audiences more to the genre and so will hopefully support me in the attaining my target demographic's attention.
Additionally, I feel that my model is quite photogenic and will be able to pose appropriately for my magazine which will make the process easier as I will be able to experiment with a variety of more photos as the model understands what angles work best for them. To add to this, I feel that the hairstyle I am considering is very similar to my model's natural hair and so will be simple to work with to create the perfect look for it.
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