Sunday, 10 January 2016

Organisation - Facial Expressions

I have recently experimented with a range of facial expressions that my model could use during our photo shoot. For the first facial expression I asked my model to pull a 'stern' or 'emotionless' facial expression as it is quite an iconic look used by Indie artists when taking photographs. I find this facial expression to be the most likely used during the photo shoot as it creates a sense of mystery towards the artist as well as associating with the Indie genre. For the second facial expression my model did I asked him to pull a 'happy' or 'overjoyed' facial expression. Though I find this to be a lovely photo I do not believe it to reflect the Indie genre appropriately as the facial expression does not connote with the Indie genre at all but actually slightly contrast with it as the music within the genre is usually quite deep and sombre whereas a happy facial expression would disagree with this and so I feel this may confuse or put off my target demographic. Additionally I tried other facial expressions such as 'scared' and 'disgusted' to see how this would look though I am not entirely sure whether or not I like these expressions. I do feel the disgusted one has an edgy and quite unique outtake on the Indie genre but may come across as inappropriate or just unappealing to my target demographic of 16 - 25 year olds. The scared facial expression in my opinion does not suit the genre I am going for as the artists with this genre are usually reflected as quite laid back and cool which goes against being scared and this facial expression may be a deterrent to my particular target demographic.

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