After receiving
feedback on my first draft of my magazine. I found that the font types I experimented with weren't as varied as I would have hoped. I have now analysed all three sides of my magazine and identified the font types I have used. From looking at this I can see that the fonts used are quite similar and so for my final magazine I will experiment with more fonts to show a variety within my text types. However, I do feel as if the fonts I have used, from
1001 fonts allow the magazine's ethos to be displayed since some of the fonts used such as 'times new roman' ensure professionalism and that the audience can easily read the information. Whereas I would also use fonts such as 'seven deadly sins' to enhance the edgy and rebellious aesthetic I am hoping to achieve with this magazine. More so, After identifying the fonts I found that in some cases it is quite hard to read what the text actually says and so I may need to change the font or enlarge the font. To add to this, the fonts colours I chose within all the pages of the magazine are very similar and so if I am to use other colours that have not been used may immediately draw the audiences attention towards as it would clash against the darker tones/colours of the other font types. From my previous research into what should be included within my magazine through
social media a friend of mind found that using colours such as purples and blues may be the more appropriate idea as it would contrast with the other colours used within the rest of the magazine.
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