Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Drafting & Planning - First Draft

I have now completed the first draft to my music magazine including my front cover, contents page and double page spread for 'Fierce' magazine. This is the first draft of my magazine and so there are many improvements to be made that I have already noticed e.g. the lack of symbiosis within my images and text. I do feel as if the magazine is appealing to my target audience whilst also conveying the ethos of the magazine I intended.

The front cover of my music magazine includes a mid-close up of my cover star named 'Rowan Matthews' with the surroundings of a brick wall. The font I have chosen for my mast head is 'how do you sleep?' Which holds a very wild look and so assocaites with the title 'Fierce'. Additioanally the us of a pug has been included withi. The rot. Cover of my magazine as it immediately attracts the target audiences attention as the colour yellow stands out immensely against the black and white background. I chose to use a black and white effect on the photography of the image as it allows a more dramatic and profound effect on the audience while also implying how everything the magazine will include isn't just black and white and so holds an ironic tone to it. The use of a skyline I found added a more professional touch as they are found on a lot of popular music magazines. After receiving feedback from peers I found that the house style that would be most appropriate for this magazine would be something consisting of the colours red and black and so felt these two colours properly conveyed the daring and edgy ethos I feel I have partially achieved so far with this first draft. 

My content page consists of two images one of my main cover star (Rowan Matthews) and a secondary artist which I decided would be a band that I have named Wolf Islands due to the research into band names that are appropriate within the genre of music they would be in. I chose to include on two images as of the results I received from my survey monkey results 

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