This is my Evaluation for my final media product. It may take some time to load but please be patient. Enjoy!
Hi, I'm Scarlett.I am currently studying AS Media and I will be using this blog to keep track with my coursework which will be to complete a music magazine.
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Drafting and planning - My coursework Final draft
During two weeks me and my class waited for our coursework to be marked to receive feedback into how we could improve our coursework for it's final draft.
After my meeting with my teacher I was informed that my coursework was of a high standard which could immediately be identified with its Indie Rock genre, while including the key conventions of a magazine and also having quite a variety in the font types included throughout the whole magazine.

However, I did find that for my coursework did have several grammar and spelling mistakes that have now been rectified. Additionally, after my meeting I was told that the improvements I could make would mainly be focused within these areas;
- The frame shots of my photography
- The variety of shot distances as appropriate
- Selecting Mise-en-scene
Sunday, 6 March 2016
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Research into similar products - double page spreads
After my First draft I identified that the weakest part of my magazine was the double page spread because I feel as if I lack knowledge into how to create a double page spread that both looks authentic and holds some cohesion between the artist and the text. More so, I felt that I was not completely sure on what I was aiming for my page and to ensure the double page spread is equally as good as my other two sections I feel as if I need to solidify my ideas by researching into other music magazines to look at how the approach double page spreads and what style is suggested through them. Back In October when most of the research for our magazine was completed I looked into double page spreads (another example is available here) as well as front covers and contents pages of music magazines and analysed the effectiveness and of the house style, photography and layout of the pages and what aesthetic the magazine aimed for and whether they achieved it. From this I was given a basic understanding of what I may need to include within my double page spread E.G drop capitols, 1 or two photos of your main cover star and pull quotes. On the other hand, I also learnt that there is a wide variety of ways to approach double page spreads since the two posts I analysed had quite different double page spreads in my opinion.
This double page spread includes quite a few magazine conventions and features that are quite appealing and may include into my own double page spread such as the use of several images of the artist instead of just one which may reflect the different parts to the artist's personality or the different inspirations in her music while also looking very aesthetically pleasing. More so, there is a very strong sense of a house style within this double page spread with colours such as blue, grey and white mainly consisting throughout the page which is dominated by the fluorescent orange dress the star is wearing to immediately grab the audience's attention. I feel as if I have too done this to some degree as I have a house style of black and white for my double page spread but is dominated by the different tints of blue in my artist Tristan's outfit and so lures the audience's attention to him more so than anything else on the page.
decided to also look into another double page spread to compare the two and see
what features I found most effective from both. From this double page spread I
feel that a distance is formed between the artist and the audience as a lack of
symbiosis with the title and the photograph slightly hides the artist which I
think may be the drawback to the title of the double page spread as I do find
the font type used creates this rebellious and wild ethos the
magazine is aiming for due to the graffiti style font used against a brick
wall. Furthermore, the quite original and unique structure of the double page
spread by having the article itself quite insignificant in comparison to the
rest of the page allows the audiences focus to be drawn to Rita Ora immediately.
This double page spread includes quite a few magazine conventions and features that are quite appealing and may include into my own double page spread such as the use of several images of the artist instead of just one which may reflect the different parts to the artist's personality or the different inspirations in her music while also looking very aesthetically pleasing. More so, there is a very strong sense of a house style within this double page spread with colours such as blue, grey and white mainly consisting throughout the page which is dominated by the fluorescent orange dress the star is wearing to immediately grab the audience's attention. I feel as if I have too done this to some degree as I have a house style of black and white for my double page spread but is dominated by the different tints of blue in my artist Tristan's outfit and so lures the audience's attention to him more so than anything else on the page.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Drafting and planning - Artist Identity
Artist Identity
track lists - 'suburban sunrise' 'Dark religion' 'My moment belongs to you' 'infinite mercy' 'Surprise means nothing' 'Morning rider' and 'pull me down'
Previous history - After the musician struggled to rise to fame he decided that the only way to cope would be with alcohol which he slowly became dependant on. Though at the age of 26 Frankie had a revelation and decided to turn his life around and quit drinking which then inspired his newer music.
Motivations/themes of the album - Mortality is a large theme throughout this album which for some audiences may be slightly morbid but with Frankie's history with alcohol he admittedly came very close to the end when his alcoholism was at it's peak
Tour dates - The Frankie Tour will begin this July and the artist has decided to do a more low key tour with locations such as;
Name - Frankie XX
Age - 27
Likes - Dance, alternative rock and electronic
Dislikes - Rap, Hip hop, classic Pop and Folk
Name of CD - 'Fear of tomorrow' is the name of Frankie XX's newly released album which is the first of many he states though he has released many of the songs as singles during the year Frankie has released exclusive content with his album including four new songs.
Cultural references - Though this artist was raised within England he does have a large influence from the Philippine culture and has slowly become introduced into the artist's music in songs such as 'Infinite mercy' and on his next album Frankie XX hopes to have a much larger influence of other cultures so that his music is more approachable to those all across the world
Likes - Dance, alternative rock and electronic
Dislikes - Rap, Hip hop, classic Pop and Folk
Name of CD - 'Fear of tomorrow' is the name of Frankie XX's newly released album which is the first of many he states though he has released many of the songs as singles during the year Frankie has released exclusive content with his album including four new songs.
Cultural references - Though this artist was raised within England he does have a large influence from the Philippine culture and has slowly become introduced into the artist's music in songs such as 'Infinite mercy' and on his next album Frankie XX hopes to have a much larger influence of other cultures so that his music is more approachable to those all across the world
Country - England

Previous history - After the musician struggled to rise to fame he decided that the only way to cope would be with alcohol which he slowly became dependant on. Though at the age of 26 Frankie had a revelation and decided to turn his life around and quit drinking which then inspired his newer music.
Motivations/themes of the album - Mortality is a large theme throughout this album which for some audiences may be slightly morbid but with Frankie's history with alcohol he admittedly came very close to the end when his alcoholism was at it's peak
Tour dates - The Frankie Tour will begin this July and the artist has decided to do a more low key tour with locations such as;
- Liverpool
- Sheffield
- Bristol
- Nottingham
- Manchester
- Leicester
- Newcastle
- Birmingham
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Drafting & Planning - Articles part 2
After furthering my double page spread I found that my font size was extremely too large from my feedback on my first draft and so researched into the size of font through research into double page spreads. I found that the size of font on a article within a magazine is usually point 9. From this I decreased my font size but found that I needed much more article pieces and so added to which and wrote;
"With such a high raise to fame in a very short amount of time people are questioning whether or not the fame will get to Tristan though he believes he will stay quite grounded through the help of his friends and family and spending most of his time with them when outside of the studio.‘The music industry was nothing like I expected’ as he states that the hardest thing about being a musician is having to create these extremely personal and heart felt songs and then suddenly just give it to the whole world, ‘like what if they hate it or misinterpret what I’m saying like it’s so important my fans enjoy my music as much as I do!’
The musical phenomenon is slowly becoming a world wide sensation with having a 5 night show coming up in the O2, London which sold amount in a matter of minutes. With over 100,000 people coming to see the artist this week alone it’s hard to comprehend how Tristan handles the pressure and since Turner has never played to an audience bigger than 100 it’s an immense jump ‘even the supporting acts have played to bigger audiences!’ States Tristan when Fierce asked him how he felt having so many people wanting to see him perform. With all the opportunities that have been available to Tristan it’s a shock to here that he had only played in small pubs until this year though releasing 3 singles last year all hitting the top of the charts. ‘I am eternally grateful for all the opportunities the music industry has opened up for me I still find it hard to cope with being under the media’s microscope constantly’.
Being raised without a mother has had a large toll on Tristan as he believes he has felt an absence that his father could not fill when growing up that never really left him. Apparently, his mother passing away at such a young age has created inspiration for the majority of the music he writes such as ‘Suzie’ a single Tristan Turner released last year which positioned No .1 for 6 weeks on the charts which was actually inspired by his mother. Although it is evident that Tristan has been deeply affected by his mother’s absence his father has had a real inspiration in his music, ‘My dad always taught me to live my dreams because one day you're not going to be to dream of it.’ The artist stated that his particular music taste stimulated from the old records in his father’s attic, which his mother would listen to before he was born, feeling a connection to her that only music can bring.
After his first album release Tristan hopes to pursue more into his career and is starting to plan his world tour ‘being able to show the world my music would be the biggest honour I could have and even considering that as a possibility is immense During this year Tristan will be travelling to 11 cities throughout the UK, he’s still extremely excited to go around the country. Tristan says that the cities he are visiting are receiving extremely exclusive and quite intimate gigs, much more relaxed compared to the world tour that (Maybe!) will happen.
A lot of people assume that all the hate I get effects my outlook on the music industry, when actually it gives me a better one!’ Says Tristan. Who goes on to say that a lot of people assume his fame was just given to him through an already established artist, but hasn't really worked for it though the artist had already been in the industry for more than 4 years prior to his ‘lucky break’. Receiving quite a lot of people take out their dislike to the artist through social media, informing the artist of his rise to fame just being a ‘gimmick’. Tristan goes on to inform Fierce that actually the ‘hate’ he receives gives him more determination to prove them wrong and that actually he deserves all the success he has and will gain in the upcoming year.
The upcoming artist wouldn’t in on much of his upcoming plans or what would be included on his new album but did inform us that the album would include some collaborations with artists you wouldn’t expect him to work with and has included something new that apparently nobody will see coming, ‘I really enjoyed the music I made last year, but I’ve changed and so has my music which I wanted to show on this album!’ The release date to the album is March 20th and with the excitement already building the ‘Tristanators’ are more than ready for the new release."
Monday, 8 February 2016
drafting and planning - cover lines
The cover lines I have included on my first draft of my magazine are;
- 'Frankie XX Conquers the UK with new album'
The reason I chose this cover line as when collecting research from other music magazines such as NME one of the more popular cover lines mentioned usually discuss an artist releasing an album and so to create a more authentic feel to the magazine I decided that this artist would release a new album. Additionally, I mentioned the area in which the artist came from and how the album he has released has 'took over' the country, making the audience more intrigued into why the artist is so popular.
- Wolf Islands: 'It's us against the world!' All exclusive interview
The reason I have used this cover line is because it immediately creates this controversial issue that the article will discuss. Also, it supports the edgy and rebellious aesthetic of the magazine since it quotes what the bands says which then also forms a sense of symbiosis between the artists/bands and the magazine. Also, including the word 'exclusive' makes the target demographic as they feel they are receiving information that they cannot receive anywhere and so are getting more for their money.
- 'Falling Roses say Goodbye! The fans, the feuds and the fall-outs'
The cover line uses alliteration with the 'fans, feuds and fall-outs' to make the cover line quite catchy and will stand out to the audience, More so, the controversial cover line gives the audience a taste into what the article will discuss and so they will be more intrigued into what's causing such an issue.
More so, the cover line immediately make the audience feel as if the information is only available at Fierce and so must buy the magazine if they want the exclusive information.
- Tristan turner 'They said I'd never make it!' The exclusive interview
Firstly, the use of a different font for the quote highlights the importance of the main cover star is and will automatically draw the audiences attention towards the main cover line as it stands out against the rest of the front cover. More so, having the font in red contrasts against the black and white colours fonts of the rest of the page, which may imply how the main cover star, Tristan Turner, is prominent on the front page as well as the music industry. To add to this, the bold font type identifies to the audience who the magazine focuses on. Additionally, the quotation arouses the audiences curiosity as they question who said Tristan Turner could not make it and how the artist worked his way up to the top.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
drafting and planning - tack listings
For my secondary artist, Frankie XX I have used song name generator to take inspiration into the names of the the songs I could have for my artist. Though I did use this piece of software for Wolf Islands the majority of their names I decided on.

I randomly generated these names for my track listings for 'Frankie XX' on his new album 'Bring me back'. The names I have particular interest in are 'Surprise means nothing' 'My moment belongs to you' 'Rising God' and 'Morning rider'. I find that all four of these track listings are intriguing yet have variety within them, while additionally holding some Indie pop connections as the titles of the songs all discuss ideas that are usually discussed within the Indie genre E.g religion such as 'Take me to church'. I do find that the other names used are still quite interesting but are slightly too outrageous for an Indie artist, especially one that has a more grounded and laid back aesthetic associated to him.
Saturday, 6 February 2016
Drafting and planning - Experimenting with proportions/layout
Within class today to experiment with the proportions of my fonts on my front cover of my magazine I decided to find a magazine in which I have took inspiration from and compare the proportions as well as the layout of the page itself.
From this I can see that my masthead is slightly larger than the 'NME' one and so to make my magazine look more authentic I may to decrease the size of my masthead, though i made it that size to ensure that the target demographic can see it and identify it for the left-third of the magazine.
More so, I can see that the other cover lines on the page are about the same font size but are much more vertical, which allows the attention to be mainly focused the artist 'Liam Gallagher' as he dominates the page while also centering it which my magazine does neither and so I may take inspiration from this magazine and centre my artist more so into the centre of the page as well as making my other cover lines less horizontal as it comes very close to over-riding the artist 'Tristan T's' face.
However, I do feel that the skyline that I've used is slightly more effective than the NME as the yellow background to it makes it stand out much more than it would by itself. Also the use of yellow for the skyline adds to the house style of the front cover and so additionally draws the audiences attention to the pug I have used.
From this I can see that my masthead is slightly larger than the 'NME' one and so to make my magazine look more authentic I may to decrease the size of my masthead, though i made it that size to ensure that the target demographic can see it and identify it for the left-third of the magazine.
More so, I can see that the other cover lines on the page are about the same font size but are much more vertical, which allows the attention to be mainly focused the artist 'Liam Gallagher' as he dominates the page while also centering it which my magazine does neither and so I may take inspiration from this magazine and centre my artist more so into the centre of the page as well as making my other cover lines less horizontal as it comes very close to over-riding the artist 'Tristan T's' face.
However, I do feel that the skyline that I've used is slightly more effective than the NME as the yellow background to it makes it stand out much more than it would by itself. Also the use of yellow for the skyline adds to the house style of the front cover and so additionally draws the audiences attention to the pug I have used.
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
organisation - Photo shoot No.2 Photography
From my second photo shoot on Friday I was overall pleased with my photographs from the drama room/black box theatre. Here are some of the images I took;
Though I am very happy with my results I am disappointed that I never had the chance to take more that the amount shown above since my model Maisie had to make it back to her lesson. However, the photography I have took is quite fitting with the aesthetic of my magazine as the bold and edgy ethos of my magazine comes across very clearly through my band Wolf Islands due to the very stern facial expressions my models are pulling in most of the photographs (excluding the lat).
The plain black background is effective as it doesn't allow the focus of my band to be drawn towards it and so the audiences focus sustains on Wolf islands. I tried a variety of angles for my photographs such as a high angle, extremely long shot, long shot, medium shot, side profile mid-close up and a mid-close up. I am definitely replacing my previous image as I feel that these images encapsulate the ethos of the magazine correctly and allows a symbiotic relationship to be formed between the band and the magazine, which i wanted. I did experiment with the use of flash and no flash but found out that without flash it was quite difficult to see the models themselves and so decided the use of flash was most effective for this photo shoot.
Monday, 1 February 2016
drafting and planning - Artist Identity
Name - Wolf Islands
Age - 24, 23, 26 (from left to right)
Likes - Rock n' roll, the 60's, fashion, Marina & the diamonds, Halsey
Dislikes - Heavy Metal, country, rap

Cultural references - Though all the girls are English, Zienna (Right) has cultural references from Africa which can be recognised within many of their released songs such as 'Honeymoon sweetheart' and 'Control me'.
Previous history - During the bands earlier years a disagreement caused a rift between the girls forming a solo career for Mia which became quite successful and after her career sky rocketed Mia asked her former band members to join her once again leading to their global musical take over.
Motivation/theme of Album - To take inspiration from previous decades and enmesh those sounds with the music of today
Tracks on album - 'California beaches' 'Crazy Baby' 'late night disaster' 'The last parade' 'Honeymoon Sweetheart' 'The dark side of truth' and 'looks like optimism'
Tour dates - The world tour that Wolf Islands will be going on starts in early 2017 visiting the countries;
- UK
- France
- Germany
- Canada
- Spain
- Australia
- Italy
- Brazil
- Greece
- Egypt
- India
- Turkey
- Argentina
- Russia
- China
- New Zealand
- Sweden
- And more to be revealed.
Sunday, 31 January 2016
drafting and planning - Articles
After receiving from my first draft of my magazine I learnt that to improve my double page spread it is vital that I use drop capitols, find a way to separate the large blocks of text and for a more authentic interview the article could be written in a third person perspective discussing 'Tristan Turner's' Life. And so after this feedback I decided to re-draft my articles to ensure I have a more realistic approach to the double page spread. Though I have not completely finished the article the second draft is;
"After years of working in ‘The smooth groove’ record shop in Tooting, London with his father Tristan decided that the life of music was just too intriguing not to lead. The young man’s years of hard work has slowly paid off with his newly recognized indie guitar riffs, Tristan rises to the peak of musical success. With influences such as The Beatles and Hozier, Tristan feels that years of English music has inspired every piece of music he has written but now wants to try something that nobody has ever seen I’ve always been fascinated with how the Beatles rags to riches story and How truly spectacular their music was, but also I want to incorporate some new stuff Into my music that will really make a new name to Indie music,’ says Tristan and us here at Fierce can’t wait to see what this young man has installed as well as his worldwide fan base
Living as an only child and being raised only by being his father who owned a record shop meant Tristan spent most of days after school listening to the classics. ‘I'd sort out the vinyl's, help customers and just chat about about the most amazing artists and albums out there’ Slowly as Tristan grew up his taste for music developed and unexpectedly music became apart of his life that he just couldn’t let go of no matter what was expected of him ‘They all said I needed to find a well paid job not just something for fun but deep down I knew I was made to become a singer!’. After years of private schools within well respected institutes Tristan’s dream of music was put on hold as he followed his family’s wishes of getting a good education and making something of himself but by the age of 20 Tristan came to the realisation that no other career could make him happy,‘I had no clue I wanted to do music as a career, I didn't think you really could. like I knew people could become artists but I just never thought It was possible for someone like me. Until one day I thought ‘you know what?Music is my life!’.
Though Turner’s family initially weren’t supportive of the idea they came to a decision that as long as he was happy then it didn’t matter what career he has. But this didn’t change the hardships of trying to make it in the music industry ‘I played for hours and hours on end no breaks singing my heart out not because I needed the money but to prove something not only to my family but to myself!’ Tristan came to the bitter truth that maybe the music business isn’t for everybody and decided to put his passion for music on hold. During his last week working in small time bars, pubs and gigs something very unexpected happened to Tristan. ‘I was singing one of my original pieces that is now available on my new album when Ed Sheeran just happens to walk in, I was gob smacked and wanted to ask him so many questions but was performing and decided to make a good impression and keep professional and just keep playing. Once I had finished the gig I was packing up when Ed came up to me and told me he really enjoyed my material and thought that there was no other voice out there like mine! And it just sky rocketed from there!’
Now 2 years later Tristan is working on his first alum ‘This is life!' After being signed up to Ed Sheeran’s own record label, with offers from other records coming in by the dozens.
With such a high raise to fame in a very short amount of time people are questioning whether or not the fame will get to Tristan though he believes he will stay quite grounded through the help of his friends and family and spending most of his time with them when outside of the studio.‘The music industry was nothing like I expected’ as he states that the hardest thing about being a musician is having to create these extremely personal and heart felt songs and then suddenly just give it to the whole world, ‘like what if they hate it or misinterpret what I’m saying like it’s so important my fans enjoy my music as much as I do!’
The musical phenomenon is slowly becoming a world wide sensation with having a 5 night show coming up in the O2, London which sold amount in a matter of minutes. With over 100,000 people coming to see the artist this week alone it’s hard to comprehend how Tristan handles the pressure and since Turner has never played to an audience bigger than 100 it’s an immense jump ‘even the supporting acts have played to bigger audiences!’ States Tristan when Fierce asked him how he felt having so many people wanting to see him perform. With all the opportunities that have been available to Tristan it’s a shock to here that he had only played in small pubs until this year though releasing 3 singles last year all hitting the top of the charts. ‘I am eternally grateful for all the opportunities the music industry has opened up for me I still find it hard to cope with being under the media’s microscope constantly’.
Being raised without a mother has had a large toll on Tristan as he believes he has felt an absence that his father could not fill when growing up that never really left him. Apparently, his mother passing away at such a young age has created inspiration for the majority of the music he writes such as ‘Suzie’ a single Tristan Turner released last year which positioned No.1 for 6 weeks on the charts which was actually inspired by his mother. Although it is evident that Tristan has been deeply affected by his mother’s absence his father
From this, Tristan hopes to pursue more into his career and if lucky enough could go on to a world tour ‘being able to show the world my music would be the biggest honour I could have.’ Though Tristan is only travelling to 11 cities during his UK tour, he’s still extremely excited to go around the country."
Saturday, 30 January 2016
drafting and planning - clothing
![]() |
Diagram 1 |
For my first model, Maisie I asked her to wear a top similar to Diagram 1 as it quite in trend and stylish while looking slightly formal which will support this professional ethos I want to approach within my magazine.
![]() |
Diagram 2 |

Finally, other pieces of clothing that all of the models will be wearing will be black for again the simplicity to ensure the audiences focus is sustained on the band and not their clothing. Additionally, having the models wear black is effective as black connotes to dominance and darkness and so implies that the band 'Wolf Islands' are dominating the music industry while also revealing the edgy and rebellious attitude I hope to reveal through both the band and the magazine and so creates symbiosis between the magazine and the photography.
Thursday, 28 January 2016
Organisation - Photo shoot No.2 location and date
After my last photo shoot I found it important to schedule another especially for my secondary artists 'Wolf Islands' though I have took photos of two models I decided that the two models I chose didn't have a certain coherence that a band needs and also didn't properly fit with with aesthetic of the magazine. For my second photo shoot I will be using my teacher's camera and experimenting with more camera shots and angles to create variety within my images when deciding which photographs to use for my final magazine Me and my models found that the date that would work the best for the four of us (the models and myself) would be on...
Friday 28th January 2016
We decided on this date as three of us would have media on this day and so use our lesson to have the photo shoot and the other model was allowed to miss a small amount of her lesson but time was of the essence and so could only take a minimal amount of shots. The photo shoot will hopefully begin at 10am and have chose the location of the black box theatre within my school as it is both a convenient location for all three of the models and myself and still has an edgy feel towards it and so supports the ethos of my magazine. More so, with a location that is indoors there is the benefit of not concerning over the weather like last time. Finally, I feel the location will ensure focus is sustained on my secondary artist with the use of a fairly plain background which contrasts with my first photo shoot as I used a more complex background.
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
Drafting and planning - Font types

Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Drafting and planning - Influences
For my main cover of my music magazine I found a main inspiration for the style I wanted to approach was similar to a particular cover from 'MNE' with music sensation Jake Bugg as the cover star. I personally found the house style is quite wild and edgy which I am hoping to also achieve in my magazine. Furthermore, symbiosis is formed between the artist and the background since the photography is black and white and creates this sense distancing between the target demographic and the audience as they don't really know the artist which could be implied through the lack of colour within the artist as it suggests that the artist's fan base only know his innocent and purity within music whereas the article within may reveal a darker much more rebellious side within this issue of 'NME'.
I took inspiration from this cover and decided that I would slightly enhance certain conventions to properly support the ethos of the magazine. An example of this is the use of photography. For my magazine I used a lack of direct address to distance the audience from the artist to suggest how they lack knowing about the artist whereas this article will bring a new light into the artist's life that no fan has seen before, which will intrigue the target demographic into wanting to know more about the artist. Additionally, I decided that for my magazine I would include more cover lines whereas the NME magazine used less to enhance the focus of the audience towards the main cover star whereas I am hoping that for the target demographic members who do not particularly enjoy Rowan Matthew's music will be interested in one of the few other cover lines available.
I took inspiration from this cover and decided that I would slightly enhance certain conventions to properly support the ethos of the magazine. An example of this is the use of photography. For my magazine I used a lack of direct address to distance the audience from the artist to suggest how they lack knowing about the artist whereas this article will bring a new light into the artist's life that no fan has seen before, which will intrigue the target demographic into wanting to know more about the artist. Additionally, I decided that for my magazine I would include more cover lines whereas the NME magazine used less to enhance the focus of the audience towards the main cover star whereas I am hoping that for the target demographic members who do not particularly enjoy Rowan Matthew's music will be interested in one of the few other cover lines available.
Monday, 25 January 2016
Drafting & planning - First draft feedback
For my first draft of my music magazine I received feedback from my peers as well as my teacher informing me on what aspects of my magazine are appropriate and others could be improved.
What went well...
What went well...
- The masthead is extremely effective as it is attention grabbing and reflects the ethos of my magazine being edgy and bold.
- The use of bright colours to stand out against the black and white background is quite effective as it highlights the most important cover lines of the page
- There is a clear sense of synergy between the background of the photography and the artist
- The use of the house style also reflects the daring and edgy aesthetic I was hoping to achieve with my magazine
- the use of yellow for a puff to contrast with the majority of the front cover is arguably quite appropriate to draw the target demographic's attention immediately towards it
To improve you could...
- Use one or more photographs with direct address to show range within your artist
- The secondary artist/band could look more realistic or appropriate with the genre of music I am approaching
- You could try to use a variety of more fonts as in certain areas it is difficult to read or a font may be overused
- The font within the double page spread is too large
- The text within the double page spread is too clumped up and seems congested, making it more tiresome and difficult to read.
- The main artist name is slightly too basic or common for a stage name for an artist.
Saturday, 23 January 2016
Drafting and planning - Artist identity

Name - Rowan Matthews (May Change)
Age- 22
Country- England, United Kingdom
Likes- Arctic monkeys, Beatles and Catfish & the bottle men. Enjoys spending time with his family and trying new food
Dislikes - His dislikes differ from country music to anything with a spice as well as bad manners

Cultural references - British rock culture has had a large impact on the artist since his father was raised in London and so experienced the rock culture that overtook England within the 1980's and so had a deep impact on his son.
Previous history - Previously worked in a record shop with his father for 4 years while juggling the struggles of university when studying Art History but had an epiphany and realized his true calling in life was towards music and began to play in bars and pubs until world renown artist Ed Sheeran heard of him and decided that Tristan had a talent that the world had never seen
Motivation/theme for album - To experiment a bunch of different genres to find his own new sound
Tracks of album - The album will include 12 songs such as 'Hold on', 'Suzie', 'the one that never got away' 'I don't need your love' 'Goodbye happiness' 'the way I wanna live' and more.
Tour dates - Tour dates will occur within the whole UK in cities such as;
- Birmingham
- London
- Newcastle
- Edinburgh
- Dublin
- Manchester
- Leeds
- Bristol
- Cardiff
- Liverpool
- Sheffield
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Drafting & planning - analysis
I have analysed the front cover, contents page and double page spread in search of what codes/conventions I found most effective and what the use of this convention brought to the overall development towards the edgy aesthetic.

Finally, the double page spread uses different font types to reflect the different side to the artist and how the music has changed him such as using very simply white text to imply how the fan base only see the more laid back and innocent side to him which contrasts with the large over bearing black font for 'The boy behind the music' to suggest the wild and deviant behaviour the artist actually has.
Monday, 18 January 2016
Organisation - How to approach the photography & camera shots
Diagram 1 - middle close up |
Diagram 3 - Closer wide shot |
Diagram 2 - Wide shot |
Diagram 4 - Wide shot |
I like the idea of using more direct address within my next photo-shoot rather than avoiding the camera; especially since my cover star comes across as superior to the audience when avoiding eye contact with the camera which may be less appealing as the artist comes across quite arrogant and so the use of direct address will give this more down to earth association to the artist, which I am aiming for. To add to this I need to ensure that all my photos have some correlation to a 'music artist' whether it be through props, clothing and make-up or the pose itself.
More so, I did consider some variations in shot lengths and what type of shots I used but for my next photo-shoot I will expand on this much more since it will enable me the chance to either show my artist's facial expression with the use of a middle close up (Diagram 1) or a wide shot to imply how large the artists personality is.
Saturday, 16 January 2016
Organisation - Photoshoot photos
These are the photographs took from my photo-shoot on the 8th January. As evident within my photography I experimented with a range of backgrounds to see which I felt properly reflected the aesthetic of my magazine as well as enabling symbiosis between the background and the artist themselves. To add to this I also tried out different distances to either give a clear view to the surroundings of the artist with a wide shot or to indicate the emotion of the artist with a close up.
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