Saturday, 6 February 2016

Drafting and planning - Experimenting with proportions/layout

Within class today to experiment with the proportions of my fonts on my front cover of my magazine I decided to find a magazine in which I have took inspiration from and compare the proportions as well as the layout of the page itself.
From this I can see that my masthead is slightly larger than the 'NME' one and so to make my magazine look more authentic I may to decrease the size of my masthead, though i made it that size to ensure that the target demographic can see it and identify it for the left-third of the magazine.
More so, I can see that the other cover lines on the page are about the same font size but are much more vertical, which allows the attention to be mainly focused the artist 'Liam Gallagher' as he dominates the page while also centering it which my magazine does neither and so I may take inspiration from this magazine and centre my artist more so into the centre of the page as well as making my other cover lines less horizontal as it comes very close to over-riding the artist 'Tristan T's' face.
However, I do feel that the skyline that I've used is slightly more effective than the NME as the yellow background to it makes it stand out much more than it would by itself. Also the use of yellow for the skyline adds to the house style of the front cover and so additionally draws the audiences attention to the pug I have used.

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