Hi, I'm Scarlett.I am currently studying AS Media and I will be using this blog to keep track with my coursework which will be to complete a music magazine.
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Research into similar products
Here, I have developed my understanding into the different styles of layout I can do by being given an image of a popular artist such as Bjork, Drake, Marilyn Manson and Kings of leon. However, I was also instructed to create my own band name for the magazine 'M' to help us in how to create a band name for our own magazine which we will create later on in the year. Creating our own band name allows me to illustrate the style and ethos of the band and so I decided to call the band 'Sunny side up' since the word 'sunny' has connotations to happiness and brightness which associates with the indie and slightly hippy look to the band. I decided to use large black font for the Drake 'M' magazine as it suggests dominance and superiority which links to the main cover line of the magazine 'Drake The God of Rap' and so reinforces that Drake is the dominant artist within rap. Also I decided to use white and eerie style font for the 'Music_x' magazine to reveal Bjork's odd and highly recognisable style of music. To add to this, the 'pitch' magazine I decided to create a dangerous and strange ethos to it and so used creepy typography and used colours such as yellow and black for the puff 'Exclusive' to support the ethos of the magazine since the colours yellow and black associate with danger as crime scene tape is yellow and black too. Furthermore, I used orange font frequently within the 'Pitch' magazine to clash with the light blue and black colours of the main image of the cover star to imply that pitch magazine clashes with what's normally expected from a magazine and so draws a range of audiences in because of it's unusual ethos. I think this exercise was quite effective as I was able to explore a range of different layouts, fonts and colours that could be used for my music magazine and so therefore I will be able to consider different ways to layout my magazine and be able to demonstrate the ethos of my magazine through my layout.
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