Research into similar products
This is a magazine front cover from a ‘Flare’ fashion magazine. I have chosen this magazine even though it is of a different magazine style from the music magazine I will be creating as this particular front cover uses colour scheme, photography and layout quite effectively to get the ethos of the magazine across to the audience, the use of the photography, colour scheme and layout will help as I can further develop my ideas for my magazine and ensure I understand the variety of different ways my magazine can look. I am particularly interested in the colour scheme of the cover as the black and white editing of the image creates this classic look which relates to the cover star that is known for her raw and classic style of acting and vocals. More so, the colour scheme of a black and white image which is then followed by yellow cover lines that follow around the shape of the star accentuates the cover stars face which causes them to look at Lea Michele immediately which will entice the reader as they may be fans of the star and additionally directs the audience to look immediately at her and the direct address used within the image entices them further and therefore the use of the colour scheme is extremely effective and if given the chance I hope to use a similar style. In addition, the use of the layout of the text is successful to convey the stylish yet professional ethos associated with this magazine. Having the text on her hands and arm slightly is beneficial to the magazine as it draws attention towards the magazine against other competitors as the layout is unusual which will intrigue the reader to why this issue is so special or individual in comparison to others. To add to this, I also particularly was interested in the font of the masthead as it conveys the formal yet stylish feel to the magazine which in my opinion is quite an effective font to use and is similar to the style of font I wish to use for my magazine. Finally, the photography of the image is quite successful for the overall appeal of the magazine as the extreme close up used draws immediate attention again on the cover star as she is the only thing the audience can see within the image.
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