Here, I have analysed a 'Vibe' magazine cover to display my understanding of the codes and conventions of magazine covers and how they can effect the popularity of a magazine. This magazine in which I have analysed includes features on artist Janet Jackson. There are a large amount of techniques such as anchorage text, puffs and skylines that are used for this particular magazine cover which cause the overall product to be notably effective for the sales of the magazine. The use of the house style is quite successful for this magazine cover as it illustrates to the audience the branding and attitude of Jackson as well as highlighting key information in blue which stands out against the pale pink.The code and conventions of this magazine cover are beneficial for the magazine as they really demonstrate the attitude Janet Jackson is recognised for and what her fans love about her. However, for readers who aren't too interested in Janet Jackson the magazine cover includes other artists such as 'Rihanna' to appeal to a wide range of audiences not depending on their music taste and so therefore revealing how effective the cover is.
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